Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Study Of History

                                                          Herodotus - Father of History
Introduction : 

 I, being a history student I would like to give some basic facts about the subject.

 Many students in the recent times feel history is out trended subject.

 So all the younger generation in the present scenario feel science and technology is important   and  they  prefer other science based courses.

 In my opine, history is as important as any other subject.

 It gives a detailed information about the past in chronological order.

Facts of History:

 The meaning of history – His story.

 Herodotus is considered to be the father of history.

 History lends us the information on great warriors like Hitler, Napoleon & many great emperors.

 The subject gives information about revolution and wars.

 Many historians were against Herodotus.

Importance of History:

 Without history it is impossible for a human to live.

 Even if we visit a doctor, he should know our medical history.

 Everything existing in this earth has its own history.

 Records of the past help us to know the history of each living being.


 In my view history as a subject is very vital.

 Hence learn history with interest and acquire knowledge about various things linked to your own life.

 Though it is difficult to remember the years in chronological order, the facts and process towards great happenings make us take up the task with challenge.

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