Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Caste - A Virus

Caste, a boundary for mankind. It spreads distinction between the people. In my previous blog I’ve discussed about the divisions of Varna in the society. Caste takes turns even in the modern society in villages and people are so mean as far as this issue is concerned.
B.R Ambedkar Sayings Wallpaper
Certain Caste and Religion Based Political Parties such as Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and other political parties supporting the caste system in the country must be pulled down and the  word caste must be taken out from the political wing. Parties based on this criteria must not be given people’s support. This leads to unwarranted issues and discrimination in the societal front. Though  Article 17 of the Indian Constitution states Abolition of Untouchability in the society the people of higher strata and the political parties dominate the lower section of people and down trodden. Political Parties and even the common people must be open minded.
Recently, as we all know  a love affair of Illavarasan and Divya belonged to Dharmapuri District in Tamil Nadu, India. The issue brought in a conflict , led to an unexpected demise of Illavarasan a dalit and Divya , a upper caste who is alone. Illavarasan’s suicide was a shock to the people and some political parties who are working for the welfare of Dalits. The state govt. Of Tamil Nadu made it a political issue for their benefit. Tamil Nadu and certain parts of India face the problem of casteism. In particular villagers , since most of them are illiterates , the upper caste are dominating the oppressed . The issue became a national talk and the state was negligent in this perspective.

The freedom fighters of India  pronounced the proverb, ‘Unity is Strength’ during the struggle for Independence in order to declare India as independent. But later of  the political parties in India influence the society in a wrong way. Though people abstain from voting for caste based politics the problems raise without society’s intervention. The case mentioned above  is to be considered by the Supreme Court so that these type of incidents doesn’t occur in the future. Necessary action & Acts must be passed to eradicate casteism from India. The implementation of Acts and Amendments must be brought into effect as early as early as possible, so that India is free from this unwarranted social evil. These unwarranted social evil pertain to certain social inequalities.

Jean Jacque Roseau, a philosopher  and a guide for common folks during the time of French Revolution – 1789,  in his book Social Contract which was written by him in view to make the common people realise their fundamental rights. In the book he states Man Is Born Free  But Everywhere in Chains . He mentions this beautiful line because he felt man was a  slave under the ruler. He felt the common man was bound to follow the imprints of the emperor and the upper class. Henceforth Roseau emphasised on 3 watch words – Liberty, Equality & Fraternity. With this 3 watch words common folks rose against the hierarchy.

 The Constitution has provided Article 17 for The Abolition of Untouchability , the people have the right to file petition according to the RTI Act , 2005 and even appeal to Human Rights Commission (HRC) for their fundamental rights. Youngsters have the sole responsibility to make the common people know their rights.  Caste must not be a barrier  for marriage, employment, education etc. And of course , name of the caste can be used in case of qualifying for certain competitive exams so that the people are benefited with this. The system must be a beneficial factor and caste must not hamper the growth of an individual. I strongly oppose the government if they indulge in social affairs of a family. The Ministry of Social Justice must be vigilant about the social crimes like people influencing in the name of casteism must be punished. The Manmohan Singh Govt. along  with Supreme Court must curb this social evil.

We, the people of India must campaign for non – casteism in the country. Villagers must be educated in this regard and abolish untouchability . The political intervention  should be stopped and create awareness in importance of humanity. We, must treat all sects of people alike. Growing casteism will lead to differences in all aspects.

In my view caste is a disease and not a healthy one. We, must develop a feeling of ones and grow together to build greater India.  We proudly acclaim India is free from the clutches of British Supremo but India still faces problems in way of social evil in the name of caste. We must fight this evil out. Make India a caste free country.