India had been a friend of U.S. for a long time. Indo – U.S. relationship has always remained inevitable. The United States hs trading in India & hence has been showing signs of interests in taking along India in defence, nuclear and other larger aspects to strengthen the relationship. Barrack Obama, the President of the U.S., desires India to be its partner in political and social issues. When Mr.Obama visited India, as President of the U.S. he appreciated the education system and related value systems existing in India. Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh joined hands with the U.S. for the first time during the tenure of George W. Bush to sign the nuclear deal. India and the United States has been considered as the countries with mutual understanding.
U.S. , Secretary of State Ms. Hillary, during her recent visit to India highlighted three areas of co-operation
· Trade and Investment
· Security Co-operation
· The Civil Nuclear Agreement
The United States is known for its generosity towards India which welcomes Indian students to pursue higher education in their country.100,000 students are pursuing their higher education in the United States,whereas U.S. students fear to reach out to India for their education. India feels secure with U.S. under all grounds. India is welcomes many U.S. companies to commence their business links and invest in India for mutual economic growth. U.S. should also have collaboration with Indian private sector companies. The vision of Indo- U.S. relations 2030 is that both countries join hands for several vital areas agreements which will certainly enhance India and the U.S. relationship and result in promotion of peace in both countries and their neighbourhood. India’ should benefit from transfer of technologies in the specified areas. main idea is to maintain peace and develop the resources and technologies for a better India. President Barrack Obama by way of appreciating India, states that India will reach greater heights as Indians are accepting turning towards modern technologies & are putting in great efforts.
In a recent move, in order to improve Indo-U.S. relationship India modified its foreign policy to permit Foreign Direct Investment in retail as well. This policy change in retailing will bring about better prospects for farmers as we expect that these large retailers will systemize the approach in ‘Farmer Retailer’ transaction. Such systemisation will bring about long term favourable impact on the way this country has been dealing with the sale of agricultural output. Indian government has actively pursuing the issue of bringing in large investments in retailing in India.
Indo- U.S. relationship is expanding in defence sector. The U.S. airforce offered C130 aircraft in 2006, this proposal was accepted in 2008 and also India bought 6130 JS. U.S. actively seeks to have defence co-operation with India. India and U.S. have always shown their integrity and respect towards each other.
India has achieved 30% growth in merchandise industry. The United States Of America wants India to be a partner in industries such as fibre optics, building harbors and airports. U.S. expects India to be the 3rd largest economy by 2025.
U.S. engages India in various Global Environmental & Social issues. By taking along India in such matters, India with its position of regional super power, hewlps US to take its opinion forward to the World at large. For example the Global Climate Summit was successful with India’s partnership.

India has the potential to take the position of a superior Global power by 2030 and the US is certainly visualising this potential. Moreover India is already showing signs of fast track growth & is a undisputed opinion maker in this part of the World. Under these circumstances, the Indo-US relationship is a bond that helps in mutual sustained growth & cooperation.